In a word – yes! HD Brows are an excellent treatment for anyone seeking those perfect, full eyebrows that define and shape your face. We’re huge fans of the HD Brows process at Pretty Little Things Beauty and we love seeing our clients achieve the results they desire.
Remember that HD Brows is a branded treatment, so all products used will be from the creators themselves. This also means that a qualified brow stylist is required to carry out the treatment to guarantee it’s quality. Stylists are trained by HD Brows in the techniques involved and in the correct use of the products, meaning you’re getting an expert stylist for your appointment. Our clients tell us that they’re happy they started on their HD Brows journey and wouldn’t be without them now!
When you make an appointment, you aren’t making an ordinary appointment for a quick tidy-up treatment at any salon. From initial consultation, through to your final results, HD Brows is a seven-step procedure, which includes eyebrow tinting, waxing, threading and tweezing as well as clever make-up techniques to give the illusion of very defined brows; that all work together to achieve a joint goal between client and stylist. We’ll use our experience and HD Brows training to bring you a treatment that is a step up from the rest.
Here at Pretty Little Things Beauty, we want to make sure you’re happy and confident throughout the process. That’s why we always start with a consultation so we can ensure that we’re working towards the same goals and creating your dream eyebrow shape. We then follow a process of tinting; using a bespoke HD Brows Dye, followed by Waxing, Threading and Tweezing. We’ll let you know our best aftercare advice and give you recommendations for the best products that will work for you.
Although you’ll leave your first appointment thrilled with the look of your eyebrows, often we work with clients on a long-term goal. So that initial appointment could be using products and clever make up tricks to create the illusion of fuller brows, whereas over time you could be working on a regrowth programme which means you’re leaving the salon in a few appointments time with a naturally fuller brow that we’ll have achieved together.
We completely understand that some people are confused by the cost of HD Brows before they’ve had them done as they assume they are the same as just a standard waxing or tweezing appointment, but once you make the first steps towards your HD Brows by contacting your Pretty Little Things Beauty Stylist, you’ll understand exactly why they are priced at a slightly higher expense.
Our aim at Pretty Little Things Beauty is always that you leave the salon feeling happy and confident; and that we’ve helped you feel like the best version of you! After your first few appointments we’d love to ask this question back to you – “Are HD Brows good?” and hope that you’ll give the same resounding “Yes!” that we do!