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How do HD Brows work?

Green Wavy Line

How do HD Brows work?

Green Wavy Line

HD Brows is an in-salon eyebrow treatment with a difference. Our Pretty Little Things Beauty HD Brows stylist will work with you to create your desired brow shape that’s totally tailored and bespoke to you, your face shape and your skin tone. As well as shaping the brow using our exclusive design formula and a combination of hair removal techniques, our unique bespoke tinting dye and tinting method pick up all your fair hairs. This allows us to incorporate them into your brow shape, meaning instantly fuller eyebrows.

Around 80% of HD Brows clients are on a regrowth programme. We will design the brow shape factoring in where we want the hair to grow. You’ll have an initial consultation with our HD Brows stylist so we can work together with you to determine your ideal shape, size, and colour, as well as letting you know exactly how we grow out your eyebrows. We will educate you on the areas needed to grow in, as well as recommending a suitable brow product to use in the sparse area, that will give the appearance of fuller brows during the interim period.

When you make a HD Brows appointment, you aren’t making an ordinary appointment for a quick tidy-up treatment at any salon. From initial consultation, through to your final results, HD Brows is a seven-step procedure, which includes eyebrow tinting, waxing, threading and tweezing as well as clever make-up techniques to give the illusion of very defined brows; that all work together to achieve a joint goal between client and stylist.

HD Brows is a branded treatment, so all products and techniques used will be from the HD Brows creators themselves. This also means that a qualified brow stylist is required to carry out the treatment to guarantee it’s quality, which is exactly who you’ll find at Pretty Little Things Beauty. Our stylist has been trained by HD Brows in the techniques involved and in the correct use of the products, meaning you’re getting an expert stylist for your appointment who works specifically in creating the perfect bespoke brow treatment for you.

The best part is, HD Brows are achieved using your natural hair. That’s why we love it so much. We’re using your natural eyebrows and often encouraging more growth from your natural eyebrows to create a truly defined and beautiful look. Our client testimonials speak for themselves and our repeat HD Brows appointments for our clients show that the treatment is providing a service that people keep coming back to. And we’re very proud to be part of the HD Brows family.

HD Brows will work for the majority of people, even if you have sparse or thin brows. We can answer any queries you have about HD Brows so please get in touch to start your first steps towards your dream brows with your Pretty Little Things Beauty Stylist.

How do HD Brows work?

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Green Wavy Line
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What are HD Brows?

HD Brows are bespoke and totally tailored for the individual – not a brow stencil in sight. It’s so much more than a standard eyebrow tint and wax.

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Should I get HD brows?

HD Brows will work for the majority of people, even if you have sparse or thin brows. Here at Pretty Little Things Beauty, we love the results of HD Brows treatments so much – we’d always suggest having an initial consultation to see if it feels right for you and

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Can you do your own HD brows?

HD Brows is an in-salon eyebrow treatment so we would never recommend attempting to create HD Brows from home without the assistance of a fully qualified stylist.

What are HD Brows 7 steps

What are HD Brows 7 steps?

The HD Brows 7 steps are the process we take in order to create your desired brow shape that’s totally tailored and bespoke to you, your face shape and your skin tone.

What does HD Brows involve?

What does HD Brows involve?

Your HD Brows treatment will follow a seven step process to achieve your desired results. We’ll begin with a consultation to find out exactly what we’re aiming for with your brows.

What do HD brows look like?

What do HD brows look like?

HD Brows is a treatment that has been entirely created to look natural and suit your face at all stages of the process.

What is HD Brows treatment?

What is HD Brows treatment?

HD Brows is an in-salon eyebrow treatment with a difference; brow shape that’s totally tailored and bespoke to you.

How often to have HD Brows?

How often to have HD Brows?

On average, HD Brows will last between 4 & 6 weeks. That’s the quick answer to this question – but really it’s a little more complex than that!

How to do HD Brows at home

How to do HD Brows at home

HD Brows is an in-salon eyebrow treatment so we would never recommend attempting to create HD Brows from home without the assistance of a fully qualified stylist.

How are HD brows done?

How are HD Brows done?

Your HD Brows treatment will follow a seven step process to achieve your desired results.

How to do HD brows?

How to do HD brows?

A qualified brow stylist is required to carry out the treatment to guarantee it’s quality, which is exactly who you’ll find at Pretty Little Things Beauty.

Can HD brows look natural?

Can HD brows look natural?

Yes! Yes, yes and yes again! HD Brows is a treatment that has been created to look natural and suit your face at all stages of the process.

Are HD Brows good?

Are HD Brows good?

In a word – yes! HD Brows are an excellent treatment for anyone seeking those perfect, full eyebrows that define and shape your face.

Are HD Brows worth it

Are HD Brows worth it?

We may be biased but we most definitely think that HD Brows are worth the time, effort and cost.

Are HD Brows permanent

Are HD Brows permanent?

Although HD Brows treatment is not considered to be permanent, or semi-permanent, your HD Brows stylist will use a permanent tint on your brows during your treatment.

HD Brows Process

Here at Pretty Little Things Beauty, we want to make sure you’re happy and confident throughout the HD Brows Process.

How long do HD Brows last?

How long do HD Brows last?

HD Brows isn’t a semi-permanent treatment, as people often think. Instead, HD Brows are all about achieving your dream brows naturally.

HD Brows vs. Microblading

HD Brows vs Microblading

HD Brows treatment uses your existing brow hair to create eyebrow shape whereas microblading is a semi-permanent technique.